In-Store Demonstrations

89% of first-time purchases are the result of trial or sample. Are you sampling?

If you aren’t, you should be. Getting your product into the hands of your target market is the quickest way to make a new sale and enhance your marketing and advertising dollars. Experiential marketing is the best way to let your shoppers try before they buy – especially if targeting Gen Z since 66% prefer to stop in stores vs online because they want to try products before purchasing. CosPro Marketing is the only in-store demonstration agency with more than 8,000 professional makeup artists, beauty experts and brand ambassadors in top key markets.

There are 5 basic reasons to do this type of experiential marketing:

  1. Create Product or Brand Awareness – 39% of customers surveyed never heard of the product before our demonstration.
  2. Provide Education to Customers and Associates – every demo store includes training of store personnel.
  3. Influence Purchase Decisions – 30% of all purchases in stores are unplanned.
  4. Encourage Trial and Interaction with Consumers – over 25% conversion rate from sampling to immediate purchase.
  5. Immediate Sales Lift – our events average a 30% lift.