In-store demonstrations offer a quick sales boost & brand awareness

In-store demonstrations boost sales!
The quickest way to increase point of purchase is to get product trial and interaction with shoppers at store level.
CosPro Marketing is the only in-store demonstration agency with more than 3,000 professional makeup artists, beauty experts, and brand ambassadors in key markets. We can represent any brand and any target market.
Did you know? 64% of Gen Z prefers to stop in store rather than online because they want to try products before purchasing.
There are 5 basic reasons to do in-store demonstrations:
- Create Product or Brand Awareness – 39% of customers surveyed never heard of the product* before our demonstration.
- Provide Education to Customers and Associates – every demo store includes training of store personnel.
- Influence Purchase Decisions – 30% of all purchases in stores are unplanned.
- Encourage Trial and Interaction with Consumers – over 25% conversion rate from sampling to immediate purchase.
- Immediate Sales Lift – our events average a 30% lift*
*CosPro after-demo survey results.
Check out some of our in-store demo case studies!

Ulta Maybelline Event
CosProXM hosted Maybelline lip makeovers for the SuperStay Matte Ink and Vinyl Ink Lipcolor brands in 105 Ulta stores. Customers were very excited to be able to try before they buy and loved receiving the samples!
- 200% closure rate!
- 1,174 demonstrations performed
- 2,344 products sold
- 5,888 samples distributed
- 307 store associates trained on the products to help with future sales

CVS Vitafusion Event
CosProXM executed a Vitafusion Gummy Vitamin tasting event at 195 CVS stores. Shoppers were excited to receive samples so they could taste the product before purchasing resulting in immediate sales of more than 900 bottles.
- 932 products sold
- 7,646 samples distributed
- 463 store associates trained on the products to help with future sales
- 4,550 flyers distributed

HEB Neutrogena Event
CosProXM executed a skin care event featuring Clean & Clear and Neutrogena products at 75 HEB Stores. The Beauty Experts completed more than 650 demonstrations of Neutrogena’s Pink Grapefruit Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes. Many customers commented they had never heard of the products before our demonstration!
- 209% closure rate!
- 650 demonstrations performed
- 1,365 products sold
- 1,200 flyers distributed
- 18 sales per store during the 4-hour event
- 131 store associates trained on the products to help with future sales