In-store product sampling is key to influencing purchasing decisions

Health & Personal Care
Our Health & Personal Care Product Sampling Programs include participation in Grand Openings, In-Store Events & Demonstrations, Online Sampling & GWP and Events Sampling including Teen/College, Diversity and Men’s Game Day programs.
Grand Openings
Samples are distributed at special events celebrating new stores’ grand openings. Cosmetic Promotions receives all the samples from multiple vendors at one time and then ships the bags as needed when the stores open.
In-Store Events & Demonstrations
89% of first-time purchases are the result of trial or sample. The perfect addition to your in-store event or demonstration, samples are the best way to gain new, loyal customers who might have never heard of your brand or product before.
Online Sampling & GWP
We can customize and execute a .com sample or gift-with-purchase program for a retailer or for manufacturers who want to provide a sample bag or GWP with on-line orders.