What got you interested in Fairy Hair?
About 2 years ago I was in a Bar Method class and the instructor had these shimmering strands in her hair that looked awesome! I was getting ready to go on a weekend girls only cruise and thought it would be fun for our group to get fairy hair. So, I booked a party with a fairy and from that moment on I was hooked. Everywhere I went people wanted to know what it was and where they could get it! I had people following me in Europe!
So, tell us exactly what is it?
Fairy Shimmerhair™ Extensions are delicate, silky, shimmering fairy hair extensions which tie onto one strand of hair. They last until that strand of hair falls out naturally. You can wash them, brush them, comb them, color them, curl them, straighten them, blow them dry, and get a haircut with them in!
What are they made of?
They are made of a high-quality fabric that mimics actual hair. Some companies call it Thai Silk but we had them tested by the University of Florida and it is really a silky polyester that withstands heat up to 350 degrees. There is only one company that manufacturers the strands we choose to use because we wanted the one with the highest quality and largest shade selection.